Photo: Boarding1Now / iStock / Getty Images
(Key Biscayne, Fla) - Following a deadly electric bike accident, Village of Key Biscayne council approved a temporary emergency ban on e-bikes and motorized scooters effective immediately.
This comes after a 12-year-old boy riding an e-bike hit and killed a 66-year-old woman riding a bike Wednesday at Woodcrest and Hampton lanes.
A day before the deadly accident, residents asked village officials for regulations on e-bikes, but the change was not made in time.
During the 60-day emergency ordinance, Mayor Joe Rasco says the village council and Miami-Dade County will both be working on a permanent proposal to regulate e-bikes.
As of today, Mayor Rasco says violators will receive a fine of up to $500.
This ordinance does not affect Crandon Blvd because the Village does not have jurisdiction therefore, state law will be enforced on Crandon Blvd.
Officials say the state ties their hands because in the case of electric bikes, state law requires that e-bikes be treated as bicycles because they can be pedaled.
Also, they are legally prohibited from impounding or modifying the electric bikes for legal and practical concerns.
There are three classes of electric bikes, Max Assisted Speed e-bikes can reach a speed of 28 miles per hour.
The village attorney says he will also petition the DMV to change definition of e-bikes based on the speed.