Broward Teachers Getting Raises

Broward County public school teachers are getting retroactive raises of about four percent with the starting salary going up to more than $50,000.

Broward Teachers Union President Anna Fusco says with increase cost of living and continued challenges, it's only fair they get rewarded for their dedication. "Our teachers and all of our employees that show up every day under all types of conditions... schools with measles, schools with mold, schools with broken air conditionings, bomb threats that happen that put our teachers and students in three hour outside conditions yesterday, still walk back in the building."

Teachers will have 10 planning days with a February 14th early release day.

Before the deal passed the school board by a six-to-three margin, School Board Member Torey Alston asked for the state Inspector General to investigate claims of "Pay to Play" during negotiations.

Fusco denies the negotiations were "tainted" because union leadership endorsed candidates who were then elected.

The starting base salary for a teacher in nearby Miami-Dade County is just under $50,000 a year.

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