The Brian Mudd Show

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The Border Bill is A Scam - Top 3 Takeaways – February 6th, 2024

The Border Bill is A Scam - Top 3 Takeaways – February 6th, 2024 

  1. The border bill is a scam. Starting with the fact that it’s not a border bill. Call me crazy but wouldn’t you expect that a much publicized and long-awaited so-called border bill would actually be about addressing our southern border and related illegal immigration crisis? There are numerous ways in which the 370-page border bill is an attempted effort to mislead and scam you into believing that something meaningful would be accomplished but none more so than with where the money flows with this thing. The total price tag for this proposed legislation is $118 billion in new spending...because you know, we’re only $34 trillion in debt and climbing so what’s another $118 billion more? Anyway, aside from the fact that there’s an effort to spend money that your great grandchildren’s children would be on the hook to payback at this point (because for example the entire federal debt is now seven trillion larger than the entire size of what the US economy produces in a year), what percentage of spending in the alleged border bill would you expect to go towards securing the border...or anything related to immigration for that matter? I’m guessing that it would be more than 17%. But that’s exactly what the number, at $20 billion proposed, represents in the bill – only 17%. So, what is this bill really about? Funding international wars. The biggest beneficiary of the proposed legislation would be Ukraine which still hasn’t accounted for how any of the money we’ve forked over to date has been spent but that would stand to rake in $60 billion or more than half of everything that’s called for in the legislation. The bill also would allocate $14 billion to Israel to aid their effort against Hamas in their war but then, turns around and hands $10 billion over to the Palestinians – which no doubt would flow to Hamas. So, I guess the idea is that we give money to both sides so they can attempt to destroy each other with our money. And then, because again, it’s only money we don’t have – there's nearly $5 billion that we’d fork over to Indo-Pacific countries because I guess it’s Tuesday and that’s just what we’re expected to do. If you follow the money with the “border bill” what you find is that it has everything to do with handing away your money accountability free to a myriad of countries, while it has very little to do with anything along the lines of securing this country. And as for what the “border bill” would do to actually address the border... 
  2. Well, that’s a scam too. Would the border bill shut down the southern border from those seeking to come here illegally? No. Would the resumption of the construction of the southern border wall take place? No. Would it be possible for a military aged Chinese National to roam across the southern border, declare asylum, be located to the destination of his choice in the United States at taxpayer expense with access to government assistance programs once there? Yes. Up to 4,999 of them per day to be exact. In other words, the so-called border bill would allow for over 1.8 million illegal immigrants masquerading as asylum seekers to enter annually without the federal government being compelled by the law to do anything differently. The (few) proponents of this on the right like Ray Lankford and Mitch McConnell will point to there being additional capacity for detentions that aren’t relocated into the interior. And that’s true. In only the most literal sense. The ICE detention capacity under the bill would rise from a grand total of 34,000 people currently to wait for it...50,000 under this law. A difference in capacity that only accounts for the average of a grand total of about a day and a half’s worth of inflows across the southern border. They’ll say that this will support hiring hundreds more Border Patrol agents and officers. And that’s true. But would their mandate be to shut down the southern border keeping illegal immigrants on the other side of it? Nope. Not at all. The bill calls for the extra personnel to be in place to assist with “evaluating (asylum) claims”. In other words, it would have the potential to release even more asylum seekers even faster into the interior at your and your great grandchildren’s great grandchildren’s expense (that is if the country would still exist then). And you’ll also hear that there is money for additional deportations in the bill and that is true. But that’s only if the Biden administration would actually follow through. And how likely are they to do so? Not very. Despite record illegal immigrants entering the country under the Biden administration, deportations are lower by 24% under his administration. The Biden administration doesn’t even use all of the existing resources it has to facilitate deportations, but we expect that allocating more money to the Biden administration for deportations will change that? The border bill is nothing more than a scam, starting with its characterization as a border bill. If President Biden wanted to solve the southern border crisis, he could do it with... 
  3. The stroke of a pen. On January 20th, 2021 – the first day Joe Biden was president, he signed an executive order to end the construction of the southern border wall. On January 20th, 2021 – the first day Joe Biden was president, he signed an executive order to end President Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy. On February 2nd, 2021- just twelve days into his presidency Joe Biden signed the executive order mandating border patrol shift priorities from border security to processing and relocating asylum seekers into the interior. The current border crisis was literally ordered by President Biden starting within the first few hours he was on the job. Facilitating a record flow of illegal immigration into this country is evidenced to have been a top priority. He could end all of it at any time by rescinding his executive orders and reinstating President Trump’s executive orders. That he doesn’t tells you that it’s not just the “border bill” that’s an attempted scam. If Biden won’t address the border crisis that he created now, why does anyone think that handing him $118 billion will change that? You’d have to be stuck on stupid – which is exactly what any vote in favor the marketing scam that is the “border bill” is. 

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